Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Narcissistic Leader

Friends, Americans and Patriots-

It is becoming more and more evident through the course of the health care reform debate that our President cares not about the people of this country but about himself and his own edification. I have been observing politics for a good many years now and I don't ever recall a politician who was more self-absorbed. Every other statement out of his mouth begins with either "My Administration" or "My Presidency". I just have to shake my head and laugh (mostly to keep me from crying). I've been trying to surmise at what point it was that our elected officials decided they were no longer servants of their constituents. It often feels as though we no longer say what they do but quite the opposite. We have a President and a Congress and a Judicial branch which no longer balance each other out. The President bypasses the oversight of Congress by appointing Czars who need no approval and who answer to no one. The Congress passes 1000 page bills without reading them and won't take responsibility for the things they pass. The Speaker of the House outright lies to the American people and her colleagues don't even bat an eye. Senator Spector changes parties in the middle of his term, giving his constituents a nice slap in the face, in the hopes of re-election. The democrat party rather than condemning his actions inexplicably sweeps honor and integrity under the rug and welcomes him by allowing him to retain his seniority. The President calls a joint session of Congress to grandstand and push his agenda which runs counter to the will of the American people. He makes calls for non-partisan solutions and all the while ignores or publicly berates any ideas that run counter to his "ideology". He is a hypocrite and a fraud. He and Congress will not give straight answers to very direct questions. There is a shroud of secrecy over everything they are doing. Their agenda is so radical that they know they can't be truthful about it publicly for fear of a giant backlash. We are being taken for a ride. Barrack Obama believes himself to be more intelligent more compassionate and more "wise" than the people of this nation. Anyone who disagrees with his ideas is branded as a racist or selfish or greedy or some other "shame on you" term. Republicans are called "the party of no" they are said to not care about the poor or minorities. I say that true conservatives will always say "no" when it comes to taking away our freedoms. They will always say "no" when it comes to expanding our federal government. They will always say "no" when it comes to walking all over our Constitution. They will always say "no" when it comes to the oppression of the poor or minorities. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. The worst form of oppression we can impose on our fellow man is to give up on the idea that he can do better for himself without entitlement programs, affirmative action, or other such artificial catalysts. That does nothing more than to teach him that he cannot make it without this "help". It is also morally reprehensible to invoke the Bible when pushing a political agenda. That is to say that using the argument "it is our moral duty to support those who cannot support themselves" is a false interpretation of what the Bible actually says. It is our moral responsibility to tithe and to do as the "good Samaritan" of the Bible. These are individual mandates and not to be construed as an argument for letting the government tell us where our "Samaritan funds" are best spent. When this happens our own moral responsibilities are forced to take a backseat in the name of "diversity" or "choice". Our money is spent on things that we would never allow if we had control over it. Keep in mind that the government does not have a penny unless they take it from the citizens. Our Constitution was conceived with the idea that a government should not have all reaching power over its citizens. We are dangerously close to a tipping point whereas we no longer have a government of, for, and by the people.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Van Jones

Friends Americans and Patriots-

I am fairly taken aback at the way many liberals are downplaying and defending the coments and actions of Obama's "green jobs czar" Mr. Van Jones. This man is not a fringe leftist or even just a run of the mill black activist. He is a self avowed COMMUNIST! He is an outright racist, and he is not fit to be advising the President of the United States. As recently as Feb. of this year he has been caught on camera making outwardly racist and anti-American remarks. Can you imagine if a white conservative uttered the words "black polluters steering poisons into the communities of people of non-color". Then imagine that this person was in direct contact with the President. The earth would stop spinning, any and all media would be pre-empted by a live action public execution, and finally the political execution of anyone who had been associated with this person ever. The truly pathetic part of this is the fact that it should be that way. Conservative, liberal, or independent there is not a single person who should condone this type of hate speech. It is just as wrong coming from the lips of a black man as it is coming from the lips of any other ethnic group. This man should have nothing to do with federal policy or advising on any level. This level of apathy over this sort of attitude is truly disturbing. What sort of low have we come to that no one even bats an eye when they hear the opinions this man has declared publicly. His views are contrary to the founding principles of this great nation. He is not seeking equality he is seeking revenge. Friends we are heading into uncharted waters. The call for transperency and bipartisanship was obviously just a fleeting campaign promise. (like we ever thought anything different) As the days go by our way of life and our right to choose are dwindling. It is time for the apathy and the carefree attitude to stop.