Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Entitlements are the new addiction epidemic in America

Friends, Americans, Patriots-
Social programs and government subsidies are about nothing more than control. As well-intentioned as many of them may be they do nothing more than hinder achievement and crush the human spirit. Why do we need the federal government to subsidize the local governments? The local governments are more than capable of taxing their residents for the services that they provide. I guarantee you that the local governments would become much more streamlined and budget conscious if they had to raise all of their budgets locally instead of getting subsidies. This would also allow for the voters to decide what their tax dollars were best spent on in a more up close and personal manner. The Constitution was designed specifically to keep the federal government strictly limited and to give the power for any action outside of the very specific enumerated powers to the states. The type and scope of social programs should be dealt with on a state government level. The genius of this design lies in the fact that if you don't agree with your states programs you can choose one of the other 49 states that best suits you. When everything is decided on a national level you get a horrible "one size fits all" solution.

The federal government shouldn't be subsidizing any form of transportation, period. Do they subsidize the payments on my minivan? No, and they shouldn't! Every single thing that the federal government sticks it's nose in turns into an overbloated money eating monster. You could probably feed every truly needy person in the country for a year with one weeks worth of the waste and fraud from just one of the wonderful social programs this nation has become addicted to.

The fact that Montana receives $1.83 for every $1 collected is absolutely disgusting. We should all be ashamed. I will say one thing in our defense though, this state would be extremely prosperous if it wasn't for the federal government. What are Montana's biggest assets? First and formost the people second the abundant natural resources and third is the scenic splendor of our state. The people will always find a way to survive but we are no longer able to harvest, mine, or otherwise benefit from the resources that belong to us. Who knows best how to manage Montana's resources? Montanans? or a beauracrat in D.C.? As for the scenic splendor, the fed has seized or deemed as "protected" much of those assets so Montana no longer has control of it's scenic splendor. That means we don't have a say in the tourism therein. If Montana had control of it's resources do you think we would need that extra 83 cents? I don't think so. If Montana had control of it's resources do you think we would have an unemployment problem or a hunger problem or a school funding problem or a highway funding problem? I don't think so.

 If our federal government operated only within the parameters set forth in the Constitution there would never be a debt problem. Free markets, free speech and free people that is the real solution.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Congratulations to The Supreme Court

Friends, Americans, Patriots

The Supreme Court of the United States made a huge leap for free speech recently.  How huge this leap was is evidenced in the fervor and contempt with which progressives have openly attacked this decision.  We know this is a monumental decision because President Obama classlessly and  calously chastised them for it on live television at the State of the Union address.  The lies and spin of what this decision means for America started almost immediately.  We need to remind those that we discuss this with that this decision protects free speech for all and not just for those who are lucky enough to make the exemption list.  Regardless of differences of opinion on political issues any corporation or organization should have the freedom to express their support or dissent of candidates and or issues.  Any law that decides for the people what is and is not appropriate information during a campaign is purely censorship and a violation of the First Ammendment.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Axe Max!!!!

Friends, Americans, Patriots

I will make this a short post.  Senator Max Baucus needs to resign.  Anyone who has actually done any research on this man will likely tell you how much of an underhanded, backroom, special interest loving, snake in the grass he really is.  Oh and that was before his latest debaukle became public.  The national media has spent countless hours and untold dollars on exposing the "Tiger Story".  Has anyone seen much of anything in the national media about the grossly unethical and borderline criminal behavior of our beloved lifetime politician.  Tiger Woods is a professional athlete for pity sake.  Max Baucus is on of the most powerful people in the country.  His decisions affect every citizen in this nation.  Tiger's decisions affect only himself and his family. 

Are you kidding me?

Friends, Americans and Patriots-

To steal a line from the illustrious Michelle Obama (with a twist of course).  For the first time in my adult life I am scared for my country.  Day in and day out the "debate" over "health care reform" wages on.  What a pathetic joke.  It would be hillarious if it weren't so terrifying.  There are a very select few who even have a clue as to what the real agenda is.  They "test the water" from day to day trying to see what new form of "wool" they can pull over our eyes.  They put up their smoke and mirrors supposedly amending this and rewording that and closing a loophole here and there.  They won't give any real particulars on what they are scheming.  We are smack in the middle of a non-violent coup.  The powers-that-be right now are on a collision course to affect a sweeping and fundamental change in the very fabric of this great nation.  They don't like this country and they don't like freedom.  They believe that the "common man" cannot get ahead on his own.  They believe that when we are left to our own devices we are not intelligent enough to make the "right decisions".  Of course they also believe that anyone who does not agree with them is evil, racist, stupid, uneducated and unenlightened.  Human beings are inherently "survivors".  We change and adapt incredibly quickly.  The fastest way to degrade and regress a group of human beings is by taking away their freedom to make their own choices.  One size does not fit all.  I take great solice in the fact that I know that all of us true freedom loving Americans will not stand for the ripping away of our liberty.  I know that we will stand together and that ultimately we will prevail.  Let not your freedom or the freedom of your friends and loved ones go unprotected.  Step up and do your part.  Spread the word of what is going on.  Even liberals don't have a place at the table in a socialist nation.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Narcissistic Leader

Friends, Americans and Patriots-

It is becoming more and more evident through the course of the health care reform debate that our President cares not about the people of this country but about himself and his own edification. I have been observing politics for a good many years now and I don't ever recall a politician who was more self-absorbed. Every other statement out of his mouth begins with either "My Administration" or "My Presidency". I just have to shake my head and laugh (mostly to keep me from crying). I've been trying to surmise at what point it was that our elected officials decided they were no longer servants of their constituents. It often feels as though we no longer say what they do but quite the opposite. We have a President and a Congress and a Judicial branch which no longer balance each other out. The President bypasses the oversight of Congress by appointing Czars who need no approval and who answer to no one. The Congress passes 1000 page bills without reading them and won't take responsibility for the things they pass. The Speaker of the House outright lies to the American people and her colleagues don't even bat an eye. Senator Spector changes parties in the middle of his term, giving his constituents a nice slap in the face, in the hopes of re-election. The democrat party rather than condemning his actions inexplicably sweeps honor and integrity under the rug and welcomes him by allowing him to retain his seniority. The President calls a joint session of Congress to grandstand and push his agenda which runs counter to the will of the American people. He makes calls for non-partisan solutions and all the while ignores or publicly berates any ideas that run counter to his "ideology". He is a hypocrite and a fraud. He and Congress will not give straight answers to very direct questions. There is a shroud of secrecy over everything they are doing. Their agenda is so radical that they know they can't be truthful about it publicly for fear of a giant backlash. We are being taken for a ride. Barrack Obama believes himself to be more intelligent more compassionate and more "wise" than the people of this nation. Anyone who disagrees with his ideas is branded as a racist or selfish or greedy or some other "shame on you" term. Republicans are called "the party of no" they are said to not care about the poor or minorities. I say that true conservatives will always say "no" when it comes to taking away our freedoms. They will always say "no" when it comes to expanding our federal government. They will always say "no" when it comes to walking all over our Constitution. They will always say "no" when it comes to the oppression of the poor or minorities. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. The worst form of oppression we can impose on our fellow man is to give up on the idea that he can do better for himself without entitlement programs, affirmative action, or other such artificial catalysts. That does nothing more than to teach him that he cannot make it without this "help". It is also morally reprehensible to invoke the Bible when pushing a political agenda. That is to say that using the argument "it is our moral duty to support those who cannot support themselves" is a false interpretation of what the Bible actually says. It is our moral responsibility to tithe and to do as the "good Samaritan" of the Bible. These are individual mandates and not to be construed as an argument for letting the government tell us where our "Samaritan funds" are best spent. When this happens our own moral responsibilities are forced to take a backseat in the name of "diversity" or "choice". Our money is spent on things that we would never allow if we had control over it. Keep in mind that the government does not have a penny unless they take it from the citizens. Our Constitution was conceived with the idea that a government should not have all reaching power over its citizens. We are dangerously close to a tipping point whereas we no longer have a government of, for, and by the people.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Van Jones

Friends Americans and Patriots-

I am fairly taken aback at the way many liberals are downplaying and defending the coments and actions of Obama's "green jobs czar" Mr. Van Jones. This man is not a fringe leftist or even just a run of the mill black activist. He is a self avowed COMMUNIST! He is an outright racist, and he is not fit to be advising the President of the United States. As recently as Feb. of this year he has been caught on camera making outwardly racist and anti-American remarks. Can you imagine if a white conservative uttered the words "black polluters steering poisons into the communities of people of non-color". Then imagine that this person was in direct contact with the President. The earth would stop spinning, any and all media would be pre-empted by a live action public execution, and finally the political execution of anyone who had been associated with this person ever. The truly pathetic part of this is the fact that it should be that way. Conservative, liberal, or independent there is not a single person who should condone this type of hate speech. It is just as wrong coming from the lips of a black man as it is coming from the lips of any other ethnic group. This man should have nothing to do with federal policy or advising on any level. This level of apathy over this sort of attitude is truly disturbing. What sort of low have we come to that no one even bats an eye when they hear the opinions this man has declared publicly. His views are contrary to the founding principles of this great nation. He is not seeking equality he is seeking revenge. Friends we are heading into uncharted waters. The call for transperency and bipartisanship was obviously just a fleeting campaign promise. (like we ever thought anything different) As the days go by our way of life and our right to choose are dwindling. It is time for the apathy and the carefree attitude to stop.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Surprising Response

Friends, Americans and Patriots-

I would first like to say thank you for all of the funny, supportive and very true comments posted to my facebook account. I was pleasantly surprised to have that much of a response in such a short time. It is encouraging to have the support of ones friends and family. I also received a very good lead on a source of information which I have now added to my "resource library". I must say that I am embarrassed that it was not already my top resource. I sometimes get caught up in the politics and lose sight of the importance of a strong faith in God. In God we trust. One nation under God.....these principles are of paramount importance. Without them we have nothing and we are nothing. We might as well give up the keys to the world power muscle car that we have been in the drivers seat of for the last hundred years or so. Not to worry though because we can trade it in for a nice tin can hybrid. Of course when we are puttering around in our eco-friendly death wagon (which does not fit everyone so dissenters will be left behind) and the country that purchased our "trade-in" for pennies on the dollar plows into us we will no longer have the protection of those thousands of pounds of American steel. We will be at the mercy of all of the muscle cars, big rigs, and suvs on the road. Keep in mind that not all of those "drivers" are courteous and attentive and many are also uninsured. The point being that the United States is the most compassionate, giving, moral, and heroic nation there is. We should be the number 1 superpower because we earned it. Who comes to the aid of nations which are oppressed by tyrannical dictators, ravaged by disease, devastated by natural disasters, plagued by famine, and faced by threats by surrounding nations? Each and every person who has the privilege of being a citizen of this "The Greatest Nation On Earth" should get down on their knees and thank God each and every day. They should beam with pride at the playing of The Star Spangled Banner. They should feel a tingle every time they see Old Glory displayed. The United States of America has sacrificed more for freedom, justice and humanity on a WORLDWIDE basis than any nation in history. We give and we give and we give never asking for anything in return. Our "agenda" is not one of conquest. Ours is one of doing the right thing whether that is as a liberator, a response team, or simply as a "never-ending bankroll". We should never feel bad or feel compelled to "explain" our actions to our so-called allies or even our known enemies. The right way is not always popular. It does, however, stand strong as it's own reward.