Monday, February 1, 2010

Congratulations to The Supreme Court

Friends, Americans, Patriots

The Supreme Court of the United States made a huge leap for free speech recently.  How huge this leap was is evidenced in the fervor and contempt with which progressives have openly attacked this decision.  We know this is a monumental decision because President Obama classlessly and  calously chastised them for it on live television at the State of the Union address.  The lies and spin of what this decision means for America started almost immediately.  We need to remind those that we discuss this with that this decision protects free speech for all and not just for those who are lucky enough to make the exemption list.  Regardless of differences of opinion on political issues any corporation or organization should have the freedom to express their support or dissent of candidates and or issues.  Any law that decides for the people what is and is not appropriate information during a campaign is purely censorship and a violation of the First Ammendment.